The Rate of Asystolic Reflex Syncope Is Not Influenced by Age
Michele Brignole, MD, Antonella Groppelli, MD, Vincenzo Russo, MD, Artur Fedorowski, MD, Gert van Dijk, MD, Paolo Alboni, MD
Direttore sanitario: Dott.ssa Cinchini Elisabetta
Si è riunita a Barcellona la Task Force creata dalla Società Internazionale di Elettocardiologia, di cui il Dott. Paolo Aboni è membro, che ha elaborato un articolo di consensus su un aspetto elettrocardiografico molto controverso dal titolo: "Electocardiographic manifestation of the middle fibers/septal fascicle block: a consensus report".
L'articolo è stato pubblicato sul Journal of Electrcardiology, di seguito l'abstract:
There are fibers in the left ventricle (LV) (LV middle network) that in around one third of cases may be considered a true septal fascicle that arises from the common left bundle. Its presence and the evidence that there are 3 points of activation onset in the LV favor the quadrifascicular theory of the intraventricular activation of both ventricles. Since the 70s, different authors have suggested that the block of the left middle fibers (MS)/left septal fascicle may explain different electrocardiographic (ECG) patterns.
The 2 hypothetically based criteria that are in some sense contradictory include: a) the lack of septal “q” wave due to first left and later posteriorly shifting of the horizontal plane loop and b) the presence of RS in lead V2 (V1-V2) due to some anterior shifting of the horizontal plane vectorcardiogram loop. However, there are many evidence that the lack of septal q waves can be also explained by predivisional first-degree left bundle-branch block and that the RS pattern in the right precordial leads may be also explained by first-degree right bundle-branch block. The transient nature of these patterns favor the concept that some type of intraventricular conduction disturbance exists but a doubt remains about its location. Furthermore, the RS pattern could be explained by many different normal variants.
To improve our understanding whether these patterns are due to MF/left septal fascicle block or other ventricular conduction disturbances (or both), it would be advisable: 1) To perform more histologic studies (heart transplant and necropsy) of the ventricular conduction system; 2) To repeat prior experimental studies using new methodology/technology to isolate the MF; and 3) To change the paradigm: do not try to demonstrate if the block of the fibers produces an ECG change but to study with new electroanatomical imaging techniques, if these ECG criteria previously described correlate or not with a delay of activation in the zone of the LV that receives the activation through these fibers or in other zones.
Michele Brignole, MD, Antonella Groppelli, MD, Vincenzo Russo, MD, Artur Fedorowski, MD, Gert van Dijk, MD, Paolo Alboni, MD
Il contributo del Dott. Alboni ad una nuova pubblicazione sul Giornale Italiano di Cardiologia.
Il contributo del Dott. Alboni ad una nuova pubblicazione su Journal of Electrocardiology
Pubblicato sul Giornale Italiano di Cardiologia.
La rivista ufficiale della Italian Federation of Cardiology accoglie le parole del Dottor Alboni
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