Direttore sanitario: Dott.ssa Cinchini Elisabetta


Intermittent isolated anterior displacement of QRS complex – Differential diagnosis

Paolo Alboni *, Anna Holzl, Gian Franco Baggioni pubblicato su Journal of Electrocardiology (2023) 224–229


Background: The proposed criteria for diagnosis of left septal (middle) fascicular block (LSFB) appear to be conflicting. Moreover, it has been claimed that isolated anterior displacement (AD) of QRS complex could be a manifestation of a conduction delay of the right bundle branch, besides of LSFB. The purpose of the present study was to better define the etiology of AD through an analysis of the case reports dealing with intermittent AD, published up to now.

Methods: PubMed search was performed to include all case reports dealing with intermittent AD occurring spontaneously, with an available 12‑lead electrocardiographic recording. Pertinent data were extracted from the papers for further analysis.

Results: Eighteen case reports were found in the literature; in all cases intermittent AD was attributed to LSFB. In all cases AD was associated to changes of initial QRS forces, characterized by disappearance of septal q waves (in I and V6) and/or appearance of a small q wave in leads V1-V3. Morphology of terminal QRS forces, analysed for the first time, was unchanged in 90% of cases. Some Isolated ADs observed during induction of premature atrial. extra-stimuli and recorded by vectorcardiographic tracing and some electrocardiographic leads were attributed to a conduction delay of the right bundle branch. In this case, initial QRS forces did not change and terminal QRS forces shifted to the right.

Conclusions: In the presence of intermittent isolated AD, a differential diagnosis between LSFB and a conduction delay of the right bundle branch appears to be possible by the analysis of initial and terminal QRS forces. Instead, the diagnosis of permanent LSFB remains a challenge.

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